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Decoding the Clean-Washing Phenomenon

In a world where clean beauty is becoming increasingly popular and sought after by consumers, the term “clean” on beauty products can be deceiving. In a relatively unregulated market, many brands market their products as clean, organic, or natural, leading consumers to believe that they are making healthier choices for their bodies. However, the reality is that not all products labelled as “clean” are completely free from harmful chemicals and toxins. This deceptive practice is known as clean-washing.

At Found Clean Beauty, our commitment to truly clean beauty goes beyond just the label. We understand that ingredient matter and  having transparency is important to ensuring that our customers have access to products that are safe and free from toxins. As well as this we give our customers the information about the ingredients we do not stock and why this is. Our mission is clear: to take the confusion out of clean beauty by meticulously researching and screening each product we stock. We set an exceptionally high standard for safety, ensuring that there are no known toxic ingredients present in any of the products we offer and continue to keep an eye on any new research around ingredients that my be harmful to humans. When you choose Found Clean Beauty, you can rest assured that you are making a healthy choice for your skin and overall well-being by helping to reduce your body’s exposure to toxic chemicals.

So let’s dive a little deeper into the world of clean beauty.

The Sneaky Side of Clean-Washing

So let’s talk about clean-washing! Compare it to ordering a salad thinking it’s a super healthy choice, only to find out it’s drenched in a not-so-healthy dressing. Similarly, many beauty brands declare their products as clean and organic, but guess what? There might still be some not-so-great stuff added to these ‘natural’ formulas.  A good example of this is the added ingredient Fragrance or Parfum.  You will often see this listed as an ingredient.  However, it is an umbrella term that can cover a multitude of synthetic chemicals that are not required to be listed as they can be considered trade secrets and therefore the brand is not required to list each chemical or fragrance on the ingredient list.

Found’s No-Go list: Helping to Protect Your Skin and Wellbeing.

At Found Clean Beauty, we truly care. Our “No-Go Ingredients” list has been put together after spending over a year researching the ingredients in cosmetic products.  On a day-to-day basis, we are all exposed to a barrage of chemicals, whether that be in our cleaning products, our nonstick cooking pans, the ultra-processed food we consume, the chemicals sprayed on the plants and antibiotics in the meat we eat, pollutants in the air or chemicals in our skincare.  As with anything, unfortunately, there is no magic pill for eternal life, but as part of a holistic wellness lifestyle, looking for ways to reduce this toxic load on our bodies is one way to dramatically improve long-term health.  We’re on a mission to ensure that every product you get from us is squeaky clean and safe for your skin.

Education is Empowerment

Knowledge is power and at Found Clean Beauty, we believe in making sure you’re armed with all the information you need to make smart choices for your skin. Don’t just fall for fancy labels and catchy marketing jargon! It’s time to flip the bottle and dive into the ingredients list. So, What are these chemicals and why are they there? Many chemicals added to beauty products are also used in other industries such as Paraben’s, which are commonly used as a preservative in cosmetics but can also be added to food and drink to perform the same function.  Or Ethanolmines such as MEA, which is used as effective emulsifier, is widely found in both domestic and industrial cleaning products as well as cosmetics.  Whilst they have been deemed safe for use in skincare many of these kinds of chemicals are restricted in the amount that can be added to each product to keep them to a safe level.  That is fine if you are only using that one product.  However, the average woman can use between 12 and 16 different products a day so the exposure to these chemicals can be greater.  Over a prolonged period of time this can all add us and acclimate your body causing potential health concerns. In addition to this the UK governmental bodies responsible for reviewing and approving cosmetic ingredients are continually reassessing what is safe and what is not, based new evidence and studies. Retinoil for example is now being restricted in the amount that can be added to cosmetics due to the concern of having too much Vitamin A in your body and the negative effects that can lead to birth defects and an increased risk of fractures in older age.  At Found Clean Beauty, if there are red flags, even for permitted ingredients we ‘err on the side of caution’ and do not allow the ingredient in the products we stock.  For a more in-depth look at the chemicals we don’t stock please read our No-Go Ingredients page.  Trust us, your skin will thank you later.

Why Choose Found? Because We’re Your Skin’s Best friend.

Choosing Found Clean Beauty for all your beauty needs means choosing a brand that’s got your skin’s best interests at heart. We’re not just about following trends – we’re creating a movement towards a clean beauty lifestyle that’s fun, friendly, and oh-so-good for your skin. Say goodbye to confusion and hello to a world where your skin feels pampered, loved, and toxin-free!